Song Analysis Week 6: Partners In Crime

Dari Johnson
3 min readFeb 23, 2021


“Partners In Crime” by Finneas is one of my current favorite songs. I recently discovered in while I was painting. I had my Spotify on shuffle and eventually this song popped on. I was immediately in love. It has such a calm yet melancholy tone. The guitar sounds like regret, longing, and missed opportunities. The song provides beautiful imagery and storytelling. I’ve had this on repeat for the past to weeks. Easily one of my favorite songs.

The first verse starts off with the lyrics, “I said you look pretty, All strung out on coke, You said it’s not funny, But it wasn’t a joke”. The entire first verse is loosely based off of real events in Finneas’ life. Finneas explains that his partner was intoxicated and he was letting her know she looked beautiful and insane at the same time. The partner responded by saying it wasn’t funny, however he wasn’t joking with them. He was trying to be honest and real. The second half of the verse is, “And you won’t remember, But I carried you home, You sat in the shower, While I washed off your clothes”. Meaning, the partner was too intoxicated to take care of themself so, he decided to take them home. He was thoughtful and kind to this person he used to love but they won’t have any recollection of the event.

The chorus is, “But isn’t that what friends are for, Even if we used to be more? Like lovers or partners in crime, And you were still mine”. He’s explaining how he still feels responsible for his ex. He wants to be friends and regain their trust. However, there is still a part of him longing for them in a romantic way.

The second verse starts with the lyrics, “You said we should get out, While we still could, And I shoulda listened, But I misunderstood”. His lover started to notice the relationship had toxic patterns. They wanted to end it before the couple got hurt. However, Finneas misunderstood and kept going for the worse. The second half is, “Thought you wanted me tied down, I started to chafe, But it’s easy to see now, You just wanted me safe”. Finneas misinterpreted his ex’s warning as being possessive. The partner was trying to put his feelings ahead of their own. But he didn’t listen and hurt them both.

The second chorus begins with the lyrics, “And when the cops broke down our door, And held us both against our floor, Did we look like lovers or partners in crime? Did you look like mine?” Finneas is wondering if an outside perspective can tell that they were in love. Do they still act in love? He loses sight of where he stands in the relationship. The next half of the chorus is, “Or did we look like fools, Tryna get away with it all? Thinkin’ we’d be saved by a call, From each other, Now we’re on the same boat”. In this half he questions if the relationship and kindness towards the other is disingenuous. Are they getting away with the act and façade? The other partner realizes they are thinking the same things and both questioning.

The third verse starts with, “Didn’t see you for ages, Didn’t pick up your phone, Made it out of our cages, Never made it back home”. This shows the drift of the pair. The two no longer speak. They are free, but they are alone. Each other used to be “home”, when the couple separated “home” could no longer be returned to. The song concludes with the lyrics, “I was late to the party, Of an old family friend, I was lookin’ for parkin’, Thought I saw you again”. Finneas and the ex share a friend. He looked forward to this event because he assumed he would see them. However, he doesn’t and he is left more broken then ever.

Here’s a link to the song!!



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